dimanche 31 mai 2009

We are cool and modern so this blog is in English so that it reaches more people - but there will be translations and French bits and bobs from time to time!!!!!!

Let me present you with the staff - Loic (to the right), Jean-Baptiste (middle) plus a faithful member - Jean-Louis (to the left) !!!!!!!
Voilà le personnel - Loic ( à dr), Jean-Baptiste (centre) et un membre fidèle - Jean-Louis (à g)
Well, it works!!! amazing!

ça marche!

Let me present you with some of the members of the yacht club!!!!!!

So to start with a pic of the new terrace that is being built to extend the yacht club parking area - all that new surface to be swept!!!!!!!!!
Une terrasse luxueuse pour 2009!!!!

New!!!!!!!!!! Blog for the Yacht Club in Cavalaire!!!!!!

Yes, finally it has arrived!!!!!! A blog for all members and those interested in the Yacht Club in Cavalaire - I'm not too sure how to 'blog' yet but this is a start!!!!!!!!!!Bienvenue sur le blog!!!!!!