samedi 26 juin 2010

More Friday night bbq pics

Anthony posing in the smoke of the bbq with his brother in law who pretends to be helping out though his help consisted of eating the sausages!

More bbq pics

Busy eating the sausages as Anthony cooks away for us

vendredi 25 juin 2010

bbq at Yacht club with the climbing club

FridayNight BBQ at the YC - er, you should not abuse the punch Anthony!!!!! Only joking - he was in charge of all the bbq cooking for us and it was a great success.

lundi 21 juin 2010

Point Plage

Seen here the progress of 'Point Plage' (not much!) plus a pic of some faithful English tourists that use that beach and who have just arrived and are unloading their sailing gear for summer and infront of them you can see the newly painted dinghy belonging to JL who I see has copied Patrick in his choice of paint colour - he will now be known as the 'Yellow Peril'. At least he will be seen at sea when he capsizes!

mercredi 16 juin 2010

Point Plage

Construction is under way, thou there is practically no beach this year to stock the boats and the sea access is quite difficult

Cleaning up

After the heavy rain, a good clean up is necessary -yet again!

mardi 8 juin 2010

Point Plage 2010

And it all starts over again, preparing for the summer season, with Jean and his tractor first of all!

samedi 5 juin 2010

Open day pics

Great day Saturday at the YC - outings organised on the 'Pitch', on catas, canoes - a great opportunity to try out a bit of sailing after a fun BBQ at the club at lunchtime.

vendredi 4 juin 2010

The Cata

Final checks by François before a little outing in the bay with Patrick B and Anthony S

jeudi 3 juin 2010


Fantastic results for our young sailors - first of all - Marine was 3rd in a 'Europe' race in Cannes and first girl to finish. Bravo! Marin finished 6th in the 'Inter league' in Hyeres and yesterday in a criterium in St Raphael Alban came 3rd and Antoine 4th.
On Saturday Loic is organising a BBQ at the club house for everybody interested.