mercredi 28 avril 2010

Sailing competition of 28 April

Below are a few pictures taken during the event.

Marin of Cavalaire YC

Pic of Marin who participated in the race

The Winners


Loic with his dog


Busy sorting out the results

Return to land

No expense spared

Could not help noticing that JL was sporting a BRAND NEW pair of mules - no expense spared and hard to believe!!!!! Did the last pair finally give up the ghost after years and years of use?
What happened to them?

The helpers

Bernard, Anthony, Geoff, Jean Louis and a friend who helped during the event - what would we do without them?

Sea view of the event

Optimist competition

Yummy yummy!!!!

Optimist competition 28 April

Cavalaire, Cogolin, St Tropez and St Raphael took part in the competition on a nice warm sunny day. Here we see Celine, to the right, preparing a snack for the children with parents for the end of the sailing event and trying to resist all those goodies!!

samedi 24 avril 2010

Assemblée Générale - George

George is presented with a gift from Aline to thank him for his long service to the club over the years. He has resigned as Vice President in order to profit fully from his retirement but remains a member of the club and will still be seen around!


Aline caught in deep and meaningful conversation!


Bernard is a new member of the Committee and is looking a bit worried here about his new mission!


The youngest member to attend the meeting was Marin who has been very successful in all his many sailing competitions this last year.

Assemblée Générale annuelle du YCC

The YC Treasurer looking very happy with himself after giving us a report of the finances of the club - (tout va bien!) - and it's coca cola, not whisky in the glass!

mercredi 21 avril 2010


I stole this photo from Maryne's 'Facebook' page where she had titled it 'National de Cannes' and she can be seen with a winner's cup looking very fashionable as usual. If she doesn't succeed with her sailing aspirations she can always be a top model later in life as she is already very tall, slim and the most attractive female in our yacht club! She is also a clever cookie at school! (bottom right in blue sweatshirt)


Marin was finally classed 18th in his recent sailing competition which is very good as a lot of the well placed young sailors were in their last year in this category and Marin has another year to go so he a good chance of winning next year!

mardi 13 avril 2010

Yacht club site

I noticed this morning that the Yacht Club site on internet for Cavalaire YC has been updated and it now has lots more information available to everyone. Looks good.

samedi 10 avril 2010


Marin will shortly be participating in the sailing race for the French Champion of the class 'Optimist' to be held in St Raphael soon and we wish him the very best of luck! Watch this space to find out about the event.

lundi 5 avril 2010

YCC people admire the 29 er

Hmm, I doubt that they are going to pose any threats to the current 29 er winners!

The last apero

As usual, lots of success for the aperos organised by the club.

All male club members want to be seen with the Norwegian winners!

Packing up to go

Well, after all that racing the return journey must be organised!

The waiting game

Competitors waiting for the all clear to start the first race

Easter Monday briefing for organisers

Loic giving instructions on how to maximise security and race procedure with a wild mistral wind!

dimanche 4 avril 2010

Returning out to sea after a bad weather break

Marcel and Anthony

Some people just love having their photo taken - again and again and again!

Waiting around at the yacht club

Security team pix

Security team

Would you put your life in their hands?!

Birthday Girl

Happy Birthday Celine!

more 29 er pix

On the second day there was a bit of waiting around to do for the sailors between races and lots of left-over cake to eat from Saturday's evening meal!

29 er - returning to land after a hard day's sailing

samedi 3 avril 2010

29 er competition results

Busy working out the results of the races on the first day of sailing

vendredi 2 avril 2010

29 er competition

Here we can be seen existing off water and apples - where is the Easter chocolate I ask?

29 er competition

Stuffing ourselves on a picnic lunch generously offered by the YCC to all helpers!

29 er pix

Loic, Eric, Hervé and Jean Baptiste doing a last minute repair on an outboard.

more 29 er weekend pix

Aline, our President, busy in the office.